Improving student experiences in higher education

INSPIRE empowers educators to implement the highest-level evidence-based learning and teaching practices, with the best interests of students at heart.

Why learn with INSPIRE?

Carton teacher working at desk

1. Learn

Let us do the hard work of finding the
most compelling research for improving how you educate.

Cartoon teacher at blackboard

2. Implement

Take what we teach into the classroom and improve the educational experience for your students.

Cartoon student graduating

3. Sucess

Your students will thank you as they retain more, and understand to a higher degree.

A few numbers that we are proud of



INSPIRE has had 1359 unique visitors to the Evidence Toolkit.


INSPIRE Community Members

There is a growing community of acadmeics using INSPIRE and engaging in the INSPIRE Teams channel.

1 in 2

Use High-Level Evidence after INSPIRE

After completing INSPIRE, 1 in 2 ACU Academics now use high-level evidence to improve performance in their classroom.

What academics say about us

Gareth Warne photo
Five star rating graphic

“This is fantastic! It's such a valuable and effective way to help us. I can already see areas where thinking through this information in connection with the course content will lead to further queries and refinements.”

Gareth Warne
Senior Lecturer - Theology
Mark Brown photo
Five star rating graphic

“I completed the ACU Grad Cert Higher Ed last year and was wondering if INSPIRE was going to be valuable but so far I’ve found it complements well what I learnt in the GCHEd rather than compete with it, but also that it would be useful in its own right for those who can’t or don’t want to do a full post grad program. The summaries your team has prepared are really good and I’ve been telling some of my colleagues already so I’m converted!”

Mark Brown
Clinic Coordinator, ACU Health Clinics
Natalie Legge photo
Five star rating graphic

“I have really enjoyed learning about the INSPIRE project. It has provided me with so many things/ideas/tips that I feel like I can incorporate into my teaching and class preparation…. and have evidence behind them!”

Natalie Legge
Lecturer, Exercise and Sport Science
Sharon Coman photo
Five star rating graphic

“INSPIRE has the potential to increase the quality of teaching across ACU, which can only be a good thing for staff and students, and our related industries. Better education = better graduates, which is certainly a good thing in my area (nursing). Imagine extrapolating that to better health outcomes across Australia, as ACU is the largest educator of nursing graduates in the country. The end result of better education goes way beyond the student experience in most courses at ACU”

Sharon Coman
Lecturer, Nursing
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